This is my last $50 gift card to give away this week. Safeway has new lower prices on everyday items and I am so happy you have a chance to try it out and see how much you can save.
How to win?
You get up to 2 chances this week - leave your e-mail address so I can get a hold of you.
1) Comment #1: Leave a comment on what you would buy with your card.
1) Comment #1: Leave a comment on what you would buy with your card.
2) Comment #2: Let us know what state you are from and you city if you would like. I think that would be fun to see where everyone is from.
Please enter on Monday Nov 16th and/or Tuesday Nov. 17th. I will select a winner using random.org on Wednesday morning, Nov 18th. I will post the winner Wednesday afternoon. Then contact the winner by e-mail. The winner will need to respond to me by Saturday Nov. 21st.
Good Luck!!
Hi, I would stock up on meat, bread, cheese and the basic staples if I won the gift card! My stockpile is growing!
Vancouver, WA
I'm gonna buy what I usually get: Veggies, pudding, popsicles $ maybe some toiletries :)
calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm from Hillsboro, OR!
Snohomish, WA
I would start on my Thanksgiving food shopping!
I would stock up on a few basics with mine!
I'm from Pueblo, Colorado
I would buy all the fixin's for Thanksgiving!
Federal Way, WA
I need to stock up on enough Triscuits and hummus to last me through the winter.
Portland OR- drscott46@gmail.com
I would use it to buy our turkey and stock up on Stove Top, canned veggies, diapers, and french fried onions.
Recently my work hours have been cut by 40% so if I was the lucky receiptant of the giftcard I would purchase food for the holidays, meat, can food and the essentials. I would make sure to use as many coupons as possible to stretch the money as far as I could. Thank you for considering me.
Portland, OR - rcfarrell7@comcast.net
I'm from Loudoun County, Virginia. Thanks for offering this giveaway!
I would probably use it on their wonderful meats!!
Pasco, WA
I would stockpile on items in my pantry. It's getting bare in there.
Marysville, WA
Toni from Portland, OR
I would use 80% of it to stock my cupboards with things that are considered "basics" but which we don't buy often--honey, canned tomatoes, canned veg & beans, flour, sugar, cornmeal, baking supplies... and the other 20% would be used on items I always want but never buy-feta cheese, soy milk, curry paste, etc.
Comment #1 from amysannie@clearwire.net
If I were to win the certificate I would purchase my Thanksgiving meal.
Comment #2 amysannie@clearwire.net West Richland, WA
I would buy all the thanksgiving trimmings. amy@mytimesavergal.com
I am from Rainier, Oregon
I would go get the fixings for my Thanksgiving dinner & throw in a bag of chocolate for me :)
Great blog by the way, Thanks for all your hard work in giving us the info on all the deals.
Vancouver, WA
I would get meat and produce..things that are hard to get coupons for.
I am in Auburn, Wa
I would buy some bagels and then save it for some great deals every week. jsamundson@gmail.com
I am from Mesa, AZ, but live in Richland, WA right now. jsamundson@gmail.com
Great giveaway, thank you! I would buy produce,meat, and milk..
Thanks again.
I am in San Diego, CA
Thanks again!
Hi! Orting, Washington here.
I'd buy this weeks groceries for my family of 5.
I would do one big grocery trip! Stock up on meat, get some great produce, and use the rest with coupons to maximize my money! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I'm in Chicago, IL.
Thanks again!
I live in Clackams, OR
I would stock up on meat or use it for food for our homeless dinner I help cook and serve once a month.
I'm from Beaverton, Oregon.
It will be well spent for our groceries this week especially with items for Thanksgiving! Great Blessing Giveaway. Thank you!
I would stock up on staples and start on my Thanksgiving meal. We are hosting Thanksgiving for the first time this year. Thank you! ticklin17@yahoo.com
I am from Gresham, OR. I love your blog. Thank you for helping us save money!
Hi, I would buy meats, toiletries and all the current sale items! Thank you so much!
I'm from Vancouver, WA. I'm enjoying your site after a referral from my sister Launa!
I'd buy whatever my wife told me to buy! Just like I enter whatever she tells me to enter! lol.
I'm from Vancouver, WA, just like my wife. Thank you.
I would buy fresh veges!
Mesa Arizona
Safeway is the only major store in my town so I always have things to pick up there.
I'm from Pasco, WA!
What would I buy with it? Hmm, it would depend on what some of the good deals were that week! :-) As strage as it sounds though,I would probably be sure and stock up on diapers/pull ups. Can never be too stocked on those! After that, I would say, bring on the baking supplies!
(This is Bonnie, from the above comment). I forgot to leave my email address:
#1: moneysavingsinwa@gmail.com
What would I buy with my card? Well depends on what's on sale and how good my coupons were! ;) I most likely buy more soups, cereals and other non-perishables since I have six kids and let's face it... those are the popular things to have in stock in your pantry when you have school age kids.
#2: I'm from Kennewick, WA! :)
Like the rest, I'd probably stock up on ingredients for my Thanksgiving meal. I'm hoping they'll have some great sales starting this weekend. WAIT...is a Safeway gift card good for the Starbucks inside, because if so that would definitely change my answer!!! :)
Grandview, Wa
Entry #1:
I'd stock up on meats if I won.
Entry #2:
I'm in the Tri-Cities.
I would buy food for my growing family..we just had a baby girl! We live in Sandpoint, Idaho and just recently moved here.
Oh my goodness DIAPERS!!! 3 kids- lots of poop! Probably something I shouldn't eat from the bakery too ;)
Oregon City, Oregon
With $50 I would buy 10 lean cuisines, sushi, ice cream, milk, and blueberries.
e-mail jocelyncontest (@) gmail.com
I am from the state of California and there's lots of Safeway's here :D The city I live in is Milpitas.
e-mail jocelyncontest (a) gmail.com
I would stock up on canned beans and veggies!
untenuredteacher at yahoo dot com
We just moved to Texas from Michigan!
untenuredteacher at yahoo dot com
I live in Benton City, WA. If I were lucky enough to win the $50.00 gift card, I would buy as much of Thanksgiving dinner for our family, so my Mom wouldn't have to pick up the majority of the tab and I would buy some dog and cat food to donate for the holidays.
I could always use the gift card for prescriptions too - they add up!
I do love Safeway though!
I would use the card to purchase basics that are on sale (and preferably that have coupons:) and a piece of good chocolate.
I live outstide of Battle Ground, WA.
I would stock up on all the stuff I need to do my Christmas baking.
I live in Pasco, Wa.
Hi, If I won the card I would stock up on staples, I share them with my daughter who is going through difficult times.
I live in Post Falls Idaho:)
I would stock up for my family and for a food pantry.
I live in Portland, OR.
Each year during Thanksgiving I make Pumpkin crunch for not only our dinner dessert but for about 6 other people as well...it is always requested well in advance. I would use it to purchace the fixins to make the Famous, many tried but never duplicated Pumpkin crunch!
Des Moines, Washington!!!
holiday snacks
I would buy a ton of stuff! They have some great coupons in the Sunday paper... and have recently fell back in love with Safeway!
Natalie O
2) Seattle, WA
Been on a pretty strict budget lately so I would splurge and by my family some treats..
Vancouver, Washington
Hi! I would stock up on any good meat sales first! Then with any leftover I would hit the Thanksgiving sales. I'm from Portland, Oregon.
I would buy all my Thanksgiving dinner items!
I am from Cameron Park, CA.
Tuesday, November 17.
Safeway is my only option in my town so there is always something to swing in there to pick up.
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