Richland, WA WinCo does take printable coupons, I use them each week.
I am matching up current coupons in our area with WinCo's low prices as well as listing sale items.
Oakdell dozen eggs $.89
Printable Coupons:
Red Plum Printables
Smart Source Printables
Here is the link for you to print out: NW Coupon Lady WinCo Foods
Red Plum Printables
Smart Source Printables
Insert information: SS= Smart Source, RP = Red Plum, GM = General Mills
Coupon information: $2.00/1 = $2 off 1 item
Here is the link for you to print out: NW Coupon Lady WinCo Foods
Also see BeCentsable's Grocery Gathering and Grocery Deals for more savings on your other favorite stores
I found .55/2 tearpad q's for Kraft Mac and Cheese Explosion at Fred Meyer on 10th and 395. These are on your list for .48 each. After q it would be about .20 each or 5 for $1 which is a good buy IMO.
Wow. Good find on the coupons.
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