Loving The Northwest

Loving The Northwest

Monday, May 31, 2010

I have saved $1,537.96 so far this year!!

My weekly spending 5/23 – 5/29

My grocery budget is $500 a month ($125 a week) for my family of 4. This includes food, cleaners, personal hygiene items, and sometimes a few miscellaneous items. By shopping sales, using coupons, and stockpiling when prices hit rock bottom I have saved $1,537.96 so far this year. Setting a budget really helps to control your spending. I give myself a realistic budget and stay as close to it as possible.

This week my shopping was done at Walgreen's, Big Lots, and WinCo.

Monthly Budget $500
Spent $496.41 ($3.59 under budget for the month)
Saved $259.58

I love tracking my spending; I enjoy seeing how much I save.


Leah said...

Nice job! I wish I could be more dedicated to tracking my spending vs. savings, but as of yet I have not been able to develop a reliable system for doing so. It would be great to see how you do it :)

Lori said...

I reposted the link for the spreadsheet.